Any person may request an interpretation of a specific standard. A request for interpretation of a standard may be “Official” or “unofficial” (personal).

An Official Interpretation is defined as a written explanation of the meaning of a specific provision of a standard, as determined by the existing Standards Committee or by an Interpretation Sub-Committee as may be appointed by the Standards Management Committee/Standards Committee.

An unofficial (personal) interpretation is the written explanation of the meaning of a specific provision of a standard as determined by the Standards Committee Chair or the Standards Management Committee Chair rendered in response to a written request.

Requests for interpretations must be in writing and include all contact information for the person/entity requesting the interpretation, the Standards section and individual standard/provision number/letter designation involved in the interpretation request, detailed reasoning for interpretation request, explanation of interpretation requested and how it would apply to the person requesting such, type of course interpretation would apply to, any other details, materials or supporting documents which may be applicable to the interpretation. All requests for interpretation(s) must clearly identify whether they seek an Official or Unofficial (personal) response.

Written requests for interpretations must be submitted to the PRCA electronically as email attachment(s) addressed to with the subject line “Standards Interpretation Request” or by mail to PRCA Attn: SMC Standards Interpretations, 6260 E. Riverside Blvd #104, Rockford, Illinois 61111.

Official Interpretations will be posted for the public access on the website under the ANSI STANDARDS tab, sub-tab “Official Standards Interpretations”